Monday, September 3, 2012

Young Goodman Brown 10 Symbols

1. His name is Goodman Brown.
2. It symbolizes that he is a good man.
3. This influences my understanding of the story because it tells me that he is a good man.

1. Faith is Goodman Brown's wife.
2. It symbolizes that faith will be a part of her character.
3. This influences my understanding of the story because later in the story faith is lost between the characters.

"Pink ribbons"
1. Faith had pink ribbons on her cap.
2. They symbolize Faith's purity.
3. They influence my understanding of the story because later during Brown's "dream" her ribbons/purity is lost.

"Faith's dreams and thoughts"
1. Before Brown sets out on his journey, Faith tells him not to got because a lone woman has bad dreams and thoughts that she's afraid of herself sometimes.
2. This symbolizes that something bad will happen later on.
3. The dreams and thoughts influence my understanding of the story because later on some bad things start happening.

"Thick boughs overhead"
1. Brown is referring to the forest that he is journeying through.
2. They symbolize a scary environment.
3. They influence my understanding of the story because the forest later becomes a scary place for Brown.

"The old man"
1. The old man that Brown runs into in the forest.
2. He symbolizes the Devil.
3. He influences my understanding of the story because what he does and gives to Brown affects the story.

"The old man's staff"
1. The old man (devil) had a staff that he gave to Brown.
2. The staff symbolized evil.
3. It influences my understanding of the story because when the old man gave the staff to Brown, evil things began happening.

"When Brown woke up in the forest"
1. After everything happened, Brown woke up in the forest confused.
2. It symbolizes that he was dreaming
3. It influences my understanding of the story because it tells me that everything that happened was just a dream.

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